Caserma Salvo D'Acquisto

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Main gate at Viale Tor di Quinto

The Caserma Salvo D'Acquisto is a barracks complex of the Carabinieri in the north of the Italian capital Rome . It is located about one kilometer northeast of the Milvian Bridge in the Tor di Quinto district in an arch of the Tiber . The barracks is named after the Carabinieri sergeant Salvo D'Acquisto , who gave his life in 1943 for 22 civilians who were to be shot by the SS .


Until the middle of the 20th century, the continuous urban area of ​​Rome ended at the Milvian Bridge. For a long time, Tor di Quinto was dominated by agriculture. In 1891 the area was selected for the construction of a branch of the Pinerolo cavalry school , the location of which in northern Italy had long been judged to be unsuitable. The cavalry officer Luciano del Gallo di Roccagiovine was in charge of setting up the branch in Tor di Quinto. A well-known graduate from this first period was Federico Caprilli . The father of the show jumpers Piero and Raimondo D'Inzeo was a non-commissioned officer and trainer in Tor di Quinto.

The cavalry school at that time comprised the area in the aforementioned river arch including the Fleming Hill in the northwest. A cavalry barracks, a firing range and a hippodrome were built there . In addition to the cavalry school, cavalry regiments were also quartered there until the Second World War . From 1946, the school was rebuilt in Tor di Quinto as the "Panzer Cavalry School", which was then moved in 1951 to Caserta . The cavalry barracks in Tor di Quinto (Caserma Sabatini) became the permanent location of the Lancieri di Montebello cavalry regiment , to which the other facilities of the former cavalry school were also subordinated. One area in the west of the site was left to the Carabinieri, who built a modern barracks there in the early 1980s, named after Salvo D'Acquisto. There were also naval facilities .


The Caserma Salvo D'Acquisto is now one of the largest barracks of the Carabinieri. The following departments and associations are currently located there:

  • the command of mobile and special units "Palidoro"
  • the central personnel selection center of the Carabinieri
  • command of the forensic service (Racis)
  • the Forensic Science Unit Rome (RIS Roma)
  • the 4th Carabinieri regiment on horseback
  • the 8th riot police regiment "Lazio"

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Coordinates: 41 ° 56 ′ 45 ″  N , 12 ° 28 ′ 56 ″  E