Catering and hospitality services

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Illustration of catering and hospitality services with the areas of catering industry, hospitality industry, social catering and social hospitality.

As a catering and hospitality services applied science of professionalized, personal services is called to care for people outside their private household. The focus is on the management of the catering (supply of beverages and food) and hospitality (hotel services; accommodation in the broadest sense).

General term

The scientific field arose around the turn of the millennium as a focus in the field of ecotrophology and represents a specialization in the sub-area of ​​out-of-home catering and traditional large households. In addition, work areas from the hospitality industry are considered, which is usually discussed in connection with tourism. Overall, the focus is on the professional care of people in the wide range of houses and services from the hospitality, health and social services. The focus is on gastronomic and hotel services: from housekeeping to business administration to catering systems and room design, commercial kitchen technology and the legal framework. Based on the tradition of nutrition, the focus is also here on the user: Services are always designed and organized based on the needs of those who use them.

The concept of catering and hospitality services responds to the growing importance of personal services in everyday life. These are more and more professionalized in modern societies and provided beyond private responsibility.

Study of catering and hospitality services

The course in Catering and Hospitality Services (Bachelor of Science) was a multidisciplinary course. It is based on four pillars: catering industry, hospitality industry , social catering and social hospitality .

Catering refers to the supply of people with food and drinks in individual, community and system catering . Hospitality encompasses the other hotel services, including laundry supply and cleaning, spatial design as well as marketing and logistics. Both areas are divided into an industrial and social orientation.

The catering and hospitality industry essentially comprises the area of ​​out-of-home supplies, which is traditionally commercial and profit-oriented. The beneficiaries supplement their private supply structure with offers from the catering and hospitality industry; they accept the service voluntarily and can usually choose between different providers. So they are classic customers . The catering and hospitality industry includes hospitality establishments such as caterers, gastronomic establishments in the branded and franchise system and private as well as chain hotels, in addition, amusement parks as places of supply and facilities are on the border with tourist businesses, such as cruise ships and MICE offers, included.

In contrast, companies in the social catering and hospitality segments are primarily geared towards economic needs and cost recovery. They include houses with full care such as hospitals, nursing homes or rehabilitation facilities. In addition, offers of partial supply in classic communal catering (e.g. school and university canteens, company restaurants) or semi-stationary offers (day care) are included. In addition, residential service facilities and outpatient services are considered, the providers of which are often those who also operate inpatient facilities.

The areas are padded with the relevant content from the central disciplines that are important for the task. These include in particular business administration, quality management , technology, microbiology , target group specifics and human-environment relationships.

The course is only offered at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences in Mönchengladbach. It is a Bachelor of Science.

Areas of application

Specialists in catering and hospitality services are employed in middle management in companies in the catering industry (e.g. large kitchens, large gastronomic companies), social catering (communal catering in companies, canteens), the hospitality industry (e.g. hotel, event management) and social Hospitality (e.g. nursing homes, hospitals) are used. Specifically, these include:

  • Management of departments such as gastronomy and / or kitchen management (especially with previous training as a cook)
  • Housekeeping (especially with previous training in housekeeping)
  • Quality management
  • logistics
  • Health and safety at work or workplace health promotion
  • Exhibition and event management
  • Stadium catering, airline catering
  • Hotel business and extra-hotel business
  • Health prevention and health tourism
  • Service companies / businesses in hospitals


  • Angelika Sennlaub, Jens Wetterau : Academics for out-of-home supplies. In: Home Economics and Science. 2/2012, pp. 90-92.
  • Angelika Sennlaub: Household Sciences and Hotel Industry. An approach to discussion. In: Home Economics and Science. 2/2012, pp. 78-86.

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