International Society of Arachnology

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The International Society of Arachnology (ISA, Internationale Arachnologische Gesellschaft) supports studies of arachnids as well as the exchange between scientists in arachnology . It acts as an umbrella organization for regional arachnological societies and individuals with an interest in arachnids. It organizes an international congress every three years. In 2010, the ISA 830 comprised professional and semi-professional arachnologists. The incumbent president (2010 to 2013) is Charles Griswold .


The establishment of the ISA goes back to the zoologist Hermann Wiehle , who initiated an international meeting of arachnologists in 1960. In 1965 the “III. Congress of European Arachnologists ”. The French zoologist Max Vachon and Otto Kraus presented their ideas for a Center International de Documentation Arachnologique (CIDA). It was founded in 1963 as a department of the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris. From 1963 onwards, this CIDA published every three years under the name Annuaire des Arachnologistes Mondiaux lists of active contributors in their specialist areas as well as a list of the specialist publications in arachnology. In 1968 the fourth international meeting of arachnologists (IVème Congrès International d'Arachnologie) took place in Paris , which later became the International Congress of Arachnology .

The administration of CIDA remained under the elected Secretary General Jacqueline Heurtault in Paris until her retirement and was relocated to Washington, DC in 1998 . There it was led by Jonathan Coddington and affiliated with the United States National Museum . At a meeting of arachnologists in Chicago in 1999, the CIDA was renamed the International Society of Arachnology (ISA). In 2002 the administration of the ISA finally moved to Berlin, where it is directed by Jason Dunlop ( Museum für Naturkunde ).


International congresses have been held regularly every three years since 1965.

Since 1999 the Journal of Arachnology has replaced the proceedings published only on the occasion of the triennial meetings as a publication organ and supplements journals of regional arachnological societies. A mailing list has also been set up.

Since 2007, special achievements in arachnology have been honored with awards. The Simon award , which is named after Eugène Simon , is given for lifetime achievement . The Pierre Bonnet Prize is awarded for special services to the arachnologist community , and the Paolo Marcello Brignoli Prize for a single particularly outstanding work .


Simon Award

Named after Eugène Simon (1848–1924) and awarded for life's work in arachnological research. The awards went to: 2010: Valerie Todd Davies, Australia and 2007: Herbert Walter Levi, USA

Bonnet Award

Named after Pierre Bonnet (1897–1990), awarded for special achievements in the arachnological research community. The awards went to: 2010: Jerzy Prószyński, Poland and 2007: Norman Platnick, USA

Brignoli Award

Named after Paolo Marcello Brignoli (1942–1986) for exceptional achievements. The awards went to: 2010: Hirotsugu Ono, Japan and 2007: Charles Griswold, USA


  • Otto Kraus: Historic overview of past congresses of arachnology and of the Center International de Documentation Arachnologique (CIDA) . In: The Journal of Arachnology . Volume 27, number 1, pp. 3-6, PDF .

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