Hermann Wiehle

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Hermann Wiehle , full name Friedrich Martin Hermann Wiehle , (born November 18, 1884 in Ballenstedt , † July 7, 1966 in Dessau ) was a German teacher and arachnologist .

Live and act

After graduating from school, Hermann Wiehle received his training at the Anhalt Teachers' Seminar in Köthen from the age of 15 . After initially working at a village school, Wiehle passed the secondary school teacher examination. He then worked as a teacher, mainly in the subjects of biology and mathematics , from 1924 as the rector of elementary school IV in Dessauer Flössergasse. In 1924, Hermann Wiehle also passed his Abitur at Magdeburg High School in the extracurricular course . He then studied distance learning at the Biological Faculty of the University of Halle .

Wiehle developed a special interest in arachnids during his time at the teacher training college . During his studies he began to deal intensively with the subject. On February 2, 1927 Hermann Wiehle in was Halle (Saale) with the thesis "Contributions to the knowledge of the Radnetzbaues Epeiriden, Tetragnathiden and Uloboriden." Dr. rer. nat. PhD .

At that time Hermann Wiehle lived at Heinrichstrasse 22 in Dessau.

In 1933 Wiehle joined the National Socialist Teachers' Association and was employed as a district clerk for race issues. His acceptance into the National Socialist German Workers' Party took place much later, after the last rejection in 1938. In 1935 Wiehle was also rector of the new boys 'middle school , which arose from the amalgamation of boys' middle schools I and II. He ran the school until he was dismissed from school in 1945 due to his membership in the NSDAP.

From 1946 Hermann Wiehle was allowed to work again as a mathematics teacher at the SAG Waggonbau Dessau vocational school . A little later, he was also given responsibility for adult training at the company, which he held until his retirement.

As a pensioner Wiehle devoted himself again to arachnology , became a corresponding member of the Senckenberg Natural Research Society , whose “Silver Merit Medal” he received on his 75th birthday, and of the Academy of Sciences . The founding of the International Society of Arachnology (ISA) also goes back to Hermann Wiehle, who initiated an international meeting of arachnologists in 1960. In the same year 1960 the Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft awarded him its highest award, the Cretzschmar Medal, which had only been awarded twice before.

Hermann Wiehle died of the consequences of a heart attack that he suffered at a specialist arachnologist conference in Frankfurt am Main in June 1966 , on July 7, 1966 in Dessau.

His grave on the new burial ground is tended today by the students of the Wall School .

Fonts (selection)

Together with Maria Harm, teacher at Dessau Girls' Middle School II, Hermann Wiehle wrote the textbook Life Science for Middle Schools. which appeared in three parts. With Wilhelm Meil, rector of a secondary school in Dessau, he wrote the “Introduction to the racial science of our people: Race obliges!” , The 12th edition of which appeared in 1935.

  • Contributions to the knowledge of the cycle network construction of the Epeiriden, Tetragnathiden and Uloboriden. Dissertation , Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg 1927
  • Arachnids or Arachnoidea (Araneae) - XI: Micryphantidae - dwarf spiders. In: Friedrich Dahl, Hans Bischoff (Hrsg.): The animal world of Germany and the adjacent parts of the sea according to their characteristics and their way of life. 47th part, Gustav Fischer-Verlag, Jena 1960
  • Arachnids or Arachnoidea (Araneae) - XII. Tetragnathidae - extender spiders and thick jaws. In: Friedrich Dahl, Maria Dahl, Fritz Peus (Hrsg.): The animal world of Germany and the adjacent parts of the sea according to their characteristics and their way of life. 49th part, Gustav Fischer-Verlag, Jena 1963
  • From the web of local spiders. Academic Publishing Society, Leipzig 1949
  • The native Tetragnatha species (Araneae: family Argiopidae, subfamily Tetragnathinae). German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina , Halle (Saale) 1939
  • From the spider life of warmer countries. Ziemsen, Lutherstadt Wittenberg 1954


  • Schulförderverein Mauerschule Dessau (Hrsg.): History of the Mauerschule in Dessau. Part 1 - The prehistory - The foundation - The school history up to 1945. Funk Verlag Bernhard Hein, Dessau 2007, pp. 37–38
  • Otto Kraus: Hermann Wiehle †. Natur und Museum 7 (1967), p. 287
  • Otto Kraus: Arachnology in Senckenberg: From Wider to Wiehle. (PDF; 394 kB) Arachnol. Mitt. 32 (2006), pp. 1-7, Nuremberg, 2006

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Individual evidence

  1. Address book of the Anhalt state capital Dessau 1926/27 , Dessau 1926, page 265. Entry on Genealogy.net.
  2. ^ A b Hans-Christian Harten, Uwe Neirich, Matthias Schwerendt: Rassenhygiene as an educational ideology of the Third Reich. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 2009, ISBN 3050048417 , p. 197 .
  3. Hermann Wiehle † , Nature and Museum 97 (7), 1967, p. 287