Certificate Trust Store

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A certificate trust store manages a list of known digital certificates , in particular the root certificates or self-signed certificates issued by a Policy Certification Authority (PCA) or Certification Authority (CA). A certificate trust store differs from a certificate store in that only the public part of a public key certificate is stored.

A certificate trust store can also have a cryptographically secured trust base with another certificate trust store. A certificate trust store is typically an integral part of the operating system or a cloud environment .

The Certificate Trust Store is required to be able to check the validity of digital signatures of files , encrypted connections ( TLS , DNSSEC , IPsec , VPN , RAS , RDP etc.), services and applications as well as the infrastructure (via an attestation service ) .

The Certificate Trust Store can also manage a certificate revocation list to revoke incorrectly issued or stolen certificates.

See also


  1. a b Managing Certificates with Certificate Stores. In: Windows Dev Center. Microsoft, accessed May 7, 2017 .
  2. a b Certificate Trust Store. In: Cloud Patterns. Arcitura Education Inc. , accessed May 7, 2017 .
  3. a b Certificates overview for Azure Cloud Services. In: Microsoft Azure Documentation. Microsoft, accessed May 7, 2017 .