Chá Gorreana

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Chá Gorreana
360 ° Panorama Chá Gorreana Show
as a spherical panorama

Chá Gorreana is a tea factory in Gorreana ( Maia municipality , Ribeira Grande district ) on the Portuguese Azores island of São Miguel .

Chá Gorreana ( Chá is the name for tea in Portuguese ) is the only tea factory in Portugal , along with the nearby Chá Porto Formoso . Together with a factory near Truro in Cornwall, England , these are the only three tea factories in the European Union . The plantations are located on the north side of the island in the circle ( concelho ) of Ribeira Grande.

Tea culture came to the Azores in 1878 by two Chinese from Macau . There are suspicions, however, that Camellia sinensis was brought to São Miguel as early as 1750. The import of seeds of the tea plant from Brazil for the year 1820 by the Miguelenser Jacinto Leite is documented. The mild climate of the island with rain all year round without frost and little too intense sunshine is ideal.

In the Gorreana area there are acidic loam soils, a prerequisite for fragrant tea with a pleasant aftertaste. The property covers 32 hectares. It is produced ecologically without the use of pesticides , herbicides and fungicides . The marketing takes place mainly on the mainland of Portugal. Manufactured black tea varieties Orange Pekoe , Pekoe and Broken Leaf and Green Tea , variety Hysson . The total production amounts to around 40 tons, depending on the weather.

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Coordinates: 37 ° 48 ′ 57 ″  N , 25 ° 24 ′ 9 ″  W.