Four weeks without television

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Four weeks without television is the title of a 45-minute television program broadcast on ZDF in 1976 .


The show was a joint effort by students at the Institute for Journalism at the Free University of Berlin and the editorial team of the ZDF series, which is critical of the media, Subject: Television . The film follows two working-class families in Berlin trying to do without their television set for a month . The scientifically accompanied study attempted to prove the consequences of this voluntary waiver of television.

In addition to a high audience rating, the broadcast generated a strong response from viewers and the press. In 1976 Four Weeks Without Television won the Adolf Grimme Prize .

Press reviews

“Employees, freelancers, entrepreneurs, eggheads of every quality class only need to test themselves by not pressing a button. You will be amazed what the result of idling is ... "

- Süddeutsche Zeitung

“Without exaggeration, the results (...) can be described as a contemporary document of some importance. For TV makers, critics, sociologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, teachers at least the film should be required reading ... "

- Frankfurter Rundschau

"(...) a painfully glaring spotlight on our dependency on the living images that were delivered to our homes so cheaply (...)"

- Stuttgart newspaper

“… One of the two women cried unrestrainedly: television had been a marriage buffer between the overwhelmed couple, and now that the set had been carried away, the argument broke out. Result: when the boxes were there again, even the more clever of the two women said: 'Now the evenings have a purpose again!' "

- Stuttgart newspaper

“If you think the experiment 'Four weeks without television' to the end, then the secret revolution that a medium has initiated becomes completely clear (...) 'I will calmly let the power exercise over me, I keep watching', was true to hear from one of those affected in 'Four weeks without television'. "

- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

"Alcoholism of the eyes - symptom of a civilization neurosis!"

- Evening newspaper

“Nothing seems to work without television: Expectations that domestic and family communication, outside initiatives and new social contacts will increase, are deceptive; Instead, there were real withdrawal symptoms, irritability and aggressiveness increased from week to week. "

- Badische Zeitung

“You sit in front of the television to see how people fare who have to get by without a television - for four weeks only and with the voluntary decision to be guinea pigs. A strange situation that immediately has the consequence that one in turn thinks about what if ... "

- Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Süddeutsche Zeitung of February 26, 1976
  2. Frankfurter Rundschau of February 26, 1976
  3. Stuttgarter Zeitung of February 25, 1976
  4. Stuttgarter Zeitung of February 25, 1976
  5. ^ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of March 25, 1976
  6. ^ Evening newspaper of February 25, 1976
  7. ^ Badische Zeitung of February 25, 1976
  8. Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung of February 25, 1976

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