Hananiah ben Aqashia

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Rabbi Chananja ben Aqaschja (also: Akaschja ) was an early Tannait and contemporary of Rabbi Akiba .

According to Avot (I, 18, in other text editions identical VI., 11, with which Avot ends) he should u. a. (with reference to Isaiah 42:21) taught:

... the saint, praised be he, wanted to ennoble Israel, so he increased their teaching and laws .

This is to say that religious and ethical precepts were not made for the benefit of God, but for the benefit and salvation of those who obey them. Such rules of conduct have also been made a religious commandment, compliance with which reason alone would have required - in order to be able to reward those who observe the commandments.

The discussion is whether this Mishnah is not a foreign body within Avot (through editio separata it has entered the Mishnah and from there into the Talmud editions) and whether it is (exclusively?) The last Mishnah of the treatise on Makkot (III., 16) acts (which is often quoted in the synagogue and at public lectures as an additional motivation for those who abide by the law).