Characteristic subgroup

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In the group theory is a characteristic subgroup of a group , a subgroup , which under each automorphism of is mapped into itself.


A subgroup of is called characteristic if for every automorphism, that is, bijective group homomorphism , always holds.


Every characteristic subgroup is a normal subgroup , because it is preserved especially under every internal automorphism . Conversely, however, not every normal factor is characteristic. Consider e.g. B. the Klein group of four . Each of their subgroups is normal, but there is an automorphism that permutes the 2-element subgroups, so none of the 2-element subgroups is characteristic.

The group itself and the trivial subgroup , which only consists of the neutral element , are always characteristic. If there are no other characteristic subgroups, the group is called characteristically simple , Klein's group of four is an example after what has just been said.

If the finite group is a normal divisor and has no further subgroups of the same order, then it is characteristic that automorphisms only map subgroups to subgroups with the same order .

Strictly characteristic subgroup

A related concept is that of a distinguished subgroup . Such a subgroup remains fixed under each epimorphism ( surjective homomorphism) from to . Note that for an infinite group, not every epimorphism has to be an automorphism. For finite groups, however, the terms characteristic subgroup and strictly characteristic subgroup coincide.

Fully characteristic subgroup

An even stronger requirement is a fully characteristic or vollinvarianten subgroup (Engl. Fully characteristic subgroup or fully invariant subgroup ). Such a subgroup is mapped into itself under each endomorphism (homomorphism from to ), i. H. if is a homomorphism then is .


Each fully characteristic subgroup is therefore strictly characteristic, but not the other way around. The center of a group is always strictly characteristic, but z. B. not fully characteristic of the group (the direct product of the dihedral group of order 6 with the cyclic group of order 2).

The commutator group of a group is always fully characteristic in it, as is the torsional subgroup of an Abelian group .

The property of being characteristic or fully characteristic is transitive ; H. is a (fully) characteristic subgroup of and a (fully) characteristic subgroup of , then is also a (fully) characteristic subgroup of .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ DJS Robinson : A Course in the Theory of Groups , Springer-Verlag 1996, ISBN 0-387-94461-3 , page 28: Characteristic and Fully-Invariant Subgroups