Charles E. Mills Secondary School

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Charles E. Mills Secondary School
founding 1966
Island nation St. Kitts
Country St. Kitts and Nevis
Coordinates 17 ° 21 '24 "  N , 62 ° 50' 54"  W Coordinates: 17 ° 21 '24 "  N , 62 ° 50' 54"  W.
management Borris Connor

Charles E. Mills Secondary School (formerly: Sandy Point High School ) is a public high school located in Sandy Point Town , Saint Anne Sandy Point Parish , St. Kitts and Nevis .


The school was established at Sandy Point in 1966 and serves as a secondary school for the communities from Halfway Tree to Saddlers as one of two schools on the west side of the island. In 2010 the school was named after Charles E. Mills . The school colors are blue (crimson) and black.


Individual evidence

  2. ^ Establishment of Sandy Point High School Now Charles E Mills. In: St. Kitts-Nevis Labor Spokesman 7/10/2010.
  3. SPHS now the Charles E. Mills Secondary School . SKNVibes. October 1, 2010. Retrieved July 13, 2011.

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