Charles Moeller

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Charles Moeller (born January 18, 1912 in Brussels , † April 3, 1986 in Brussels) was a Belgian Catholic theologian.


Moeller was ordained a priest in 1937 . From 1941 to 1954 he was a teacher at the Collège Saint Pierre de Jette and from 1954 to professor at the Institut des sciences religieuses , and from 1874 to 1982 at the theological faculty of the University of Leuven . From 1942 to 1965 he also headed the Semaines oecuméniques de Chevetogne. From 1966 to 1973 he was Undersecretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith . Moeller was the first rector of the Ecumenical Institute Tantur, which opened in 1972. From 1973 to 1980 he was secretary of the Unity Secretariat .


Moeller gave a variety of lectures, not only in Leuven itself, but also worldwide. In these lectures he dealt with the great writers of the 20th century. At the request of Cardinal Paul-Émile Léger (Montreal), he was appointed peritus in 1962 . As a Belgian theologian, he was part of the “squadra belga” in the Second Vatican Council . In February 1963 he worked with Gerard Philips on the Belgian alternative scheme De Ecclesia . Finally, he also contributed to the development of Unitatis redintegratio , Nostra aetate and Dignitatis humanae .

In the Council he pursued two main concerns, namely on the one hand the rapprochement with the Eastern Churches and on the other hand the openness towards contemporary thinking.


  • Littérature du XXe siecle et christianisme , Vols. 1–5. Tournai 1953-75; vol. 6 (posthumously). Louvain-la-Neuve 1993. German: Literature of the twentieth century and Christianity. Bonn, Adamas publishing house.
  • L'élaboration du schema XIII. L'Eglise dans le monde de ce temps . Tournai 1968.
  • L'homme modern devant le salut . German: The man before salvation: an examination of modern literature. Salzburg, Müller 1967.

Individual evidence

  2. Leo Declerck: Moeller . In: Michael Quisinsky / Peter Walter (eds.): Lexicon of persons for the Second Vatican Council . Herder, Freiburg 2012, p. 194 .