Chart Polski

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Chart Polski
Chart Polski
FCI Standard No. 333
  • Group 10: Greyhounds
  • Section 3: Shorthaired Greyhounds
Patronage :


Alternative names:

Polish greyhound

Withers height:

Males: 70-80 cm
. Bitches: 68-75 cm


not specified

List of domestic dogs

The Chart Polski is a Polish breed of dogs recognized by the FCI ( FCI Group 10, Section 3, Standard No. 333 ).

Origin and history

The Chart Polski type has been documented since the 13th century, it is perhaps a descendant of the Asian greyhound type Saluki . It is mentioned early on in literature and shown in pictures. Looking at these early pictures shows that the type has always remained the same, even if other greyhounds were crossed in the 19th century.


Rather heavier, yet more elegant, greyhound up to 80 cm in all colors, adapted to the climate and conditions of Poland. The hair is short, close, hard but not wiry. The FCI requires ears of medium size, rather narrow; when placed forward, they should reach about the inner corner of the eye. The dog's ears are at eye level. The cartilage of the auricle is quite soft; the ears make a rather fleshy impression. The ears may be worn as follows: folded back, touching the neck; roof-shaped; when excited, completely erect or with tip slightly tilted forward.


The Polish Greyhound is persistent, courageous and confident; he is also reserved, calm and gentle. He enjoys being close to his people. He is often very self-confident towards other dogs.


The Chart Polski was originally used for hunting foxes, deer and bustard on horseback but also for hunting wolves. Today it is also used in coursing .

Web links

Commons : Chart Polski  - collection of images, videos and audio files