Chase (comic series)

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Chase (Eng. Hunt ) is the title of a comic series that the US-American DC publisher published between 1998 and 1999.

Chase was set at the intersection of the crime comics with the action genre and was about the secret agent Cameron Chase, who hunted so-called "meta-beings", that is, people with extraordinary physical or mental abilities or powers, for an organization called DEO.

Chase was written by writer Dan Durtis Johnson and written by artist JH Williams III. supervised as a draftsman. The series reached 10 issues (1 to 9 as well as the special issue 1,000,000) before it had to be discontinued due to falling sales. Since then, Chase stories have occasionally been told in the Secret Files series .


Chase - a meaningful name that already suggests her job in the name of the person - is introduced in the first editions of the series as a former New York private investigator, who was managed by the DEO (Department of Extranormal Affairs), an ominous government organization that worked with is entrusted with the monitoring and, if necessary, elimination of people with "super powers", is hired as an agent.

In the course of the series, Chase has to fulfill various missions on behalf of her boss, the obscure Mr. Bones: She goes on missions together with the mercenaries of the so-called " Suicide Squad ", meets the superhero Batman and kills Victor Trapp, hers Father.

Frequent supporting characters are Mr. Bones, Chase's sister Terry and her boyfriend Peter Rice.


Issue # 1,000,000 was nominated for the 1999 Comics Buyer's Guide Fan Award for Best Story.