Hasidism (disambiguation)
Hasidism or Hassidism (from Hebrew חֲסִידוּת Hasidut, hasidus (Ashkenazi) , German 'piety' ) denotes different independent movements in Judaism :
- the Hasideans , a group of the 2nd century BC In Judea
- the Hasid Ashkenaz , a group of scholars of the 12th – 13th centuries Century in the Rhineland (Rhenish Hasidism)
- the Hasid Mizrajim (Egyptian Hasidism), a series of scholars influenced by Sufism from the 13th to 14th centuries. Century in Egypt
- modern Hasidism , which emerged among the Jews in Eastern Europe in the 18th century and is now widespread worldwide
Hasid ( Hebrew חָסִיד ḥāsîd, chossid (Ashkenazi) , German 'Frommer' ) means:
- individual miracle workers of the Pharisee rabbinical movement:
- Chanina ben Dosa , the Chasid
- Choni the circle drawer , the Chasid
- Representatives of the Hasid of Ashkenaz:
- Juda ben Samuel (Juda he-Hasid)
- Samuel ben Kalonymus he-Chasid
- Representative of modern Hasidism
Hasidim ( Hebrew חֲסִידִים ḥāsîdîm , plural of Hasid ) are members of the movements mentioned.