Snake neck turtles

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Snake neck turtles
Giant snake neck turtle (Chelodina expansa)

Giant snake neck turtle ( Chelodina expansa )

without rank: Amniotes (Amniota)
without rank: Sauropsida
Order : Turtles (Testudinata)
Subordination : Turn-Neck Turtles (Pleurodira)
Superfamily : Cheloides
Family : Snake neck turtles
Scientific name of the  superfamily
JE Gray , 1825
Scientific name of the  family
Gray , 1825

The snake neck turtles (Chelidae) are a family of the turn- neck turtles (Pleurodira).


Like all aquatic turtles, they have a flattened shell. Your belly armor ( plastron ) consists of nine bone plates. As a turn-of-the-neck, they hide their head with a typical S-shaped, horizontal bend in the armor. In some genera - such as the Australian snake- necked tortoises ( Chelodina ) and the fringed tortoise ( Chelus fimbriatus ) - the neck is longer than the trunk. With them, the eyes sit far in front over the snout, an adaptation to their aquatic way of life.


Snake neck turtles are the only turtles found in Australia besides the Papuan softshell turtle. They are also found in New Guinea and South America .


So far, 59 species from 15 genera of the snake neck turtle have been described, which are assigned to three subfamilies:

Smooth-backed snake-necked turtle ( Chelodina longicollis )
New Guinea snapping turtle ( Elseya novaeguineae )
White-bellied snapping turtle ( Elseya branderhorsti )
Red-bellied pointed-headed turtle ( Emydura subglobosa )
Spiny- necked pond turtle ( Acanthochelys spixii )
Fringed tortoise
( Chelus fimbriatus )
Hilaire's toad head turtle ( Phrynops hilarii )
Red-headed flat turtle (
Platemys platycephala )
Argentine neck turtle ( Hydromedusa tectifera )

Sources and web links

Commons : Snake Neck Turtles  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files