Chemnitz tar mummy

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Chemnitz tar mummy

The Chemnitz tar mummy (died 1884 ) is a mummified corpse that has been exhibited in the Saxon Industrial Museum in Chemnitz since 2003.

In 1884 the body of an unknown, 1.66 m tall man in workers' clothes was found in a tar container of the Chemnitz municipal gas works. The cause of death could not be clarified. Since the body showed no evidence of a violent crime, it was released for burial. After 23 years, in 1907, the corpse was exhumed and examined by the Forensic Medicine Institute in Leipzig. It turned out that the body was completely mummified.

The body and the work clothes are a result of the preservative effect of in the production of gas from coal produced Tar derivates to this day.

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