Chiapas climbing rat

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Chiapas climbing rat
Superfamily : Mice-like (Muroidea)
Family : Burrowers (Cricetidae)
Subfamily : Tylomyinae
Tribe : Tylomyini
Genre : Climbing rats ( Tylomys )
Type : Chiapas climbing rat
Scientific name
Tylomys bullaris
Merriam , 1901

The Chiapas-climbing rat ( chiapan climbing rat ) is to tylomys belonging kind of New world and work closely with the Peters's climbing rat related. It is only known from a single site in the tropical forests of Chiapas and is classified as critically endangered.


The total length of an adult specimen of Tylomys bullaris is 324 millimeters, the tail length 158 millimeters and the hind foot length 37.5 millimeters. The fur on the top is pale gray-lead and that on the underside is white. The paws are brown except for the white toes. The upper lip and a spot on the side of the nose are also white.

The parietal bone of the Chiapas climbing rat is wide and the zygomatic arches are widely spread. In contrast to the bare-tailed climbing rat and Tylomys tumbalensis , the tympanic bladders are noticeably inflated and more spherical than pointed at the front.

Distribution, habitat and existence

The distribution area of the Chiapas climbing rat is in Chiapas, Mexico, where the species is only known from one specimen from Tuxtla Gutiérrez . In this area it is tied to tropical deciduous forests.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN classified the Chiapas climbing rat as critically endangered in 2008. This was justified with the limited occurrence and the likelihood of a strong population decline, caused by the likely complete disappearance of the original habitat due to urbanization and the conversion into agricultural land. In 1996 the species was also classified as critically endangered. In Mexico it is listed as threatened by law (NOM-059_ECOL-2001).

Systematics and nomenclature

The Chiapas climbing rat is usually listed as a separate species , but could be assigned to the bare-tailed climbing rat as a subspecies . The type specimen comes from Tuxtla Gutiérrez at a height of 550 meters and was described in 1901 by Clinton Hart Merriam as Tylomys bullaris .


  • Sergio Ticul Álvarez-Castañeda, Ivan Castro-Arellano: Tylomys bullaris . In: IUCN 2011 (Ed.): IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.2 . 2008.
  • E. Raymond Hall: The Mammals of North America. Volume 2. 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York NY et al. 1981, ISBN 0-471-05444-5 .
  • Fiona A. Reid: A Field Guide to the Mammals of Central America & Southeast Mexico . 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford et al. 2009, ISBN 978-0-19-534322-9 .

Web links


  1. a b c d Hall, 1981 (p. 627)
  2. a b Reid, 2009 (p. 222)
  3. a b Álvarez-Castañeda and Castro-Arellano, 2008 ( Tylomys bullaris )