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Chibret Pharmazeutische GmbH is a pharmaceutical company based in Haar near Munich specializing in the manufacture of ophthalmic drugs (drugs for the treatment of eye diseases) .


The original form of the company was founded in 1902 by the French pharmacist Henry Chibret in Clermont-Ferrand . Henry was particularly influenced by his uncle Paul Chibret, the co-founder of the ophthalmological society of ophthalmologists (Société Française d'Ophtalmologie) on the production and development of ophthalmic drugs. The French family company founded a German branch in 1964, initially based in Saarbrücken, which was relocated to Munich two years later. Chibret has been part of the pharmaceutical company MSD Sharp & Dohme since 1969 .


The Chibret range of products is aimed exclusively at the treatment of eye diseases. All preparations require a prescription. The company is opposed to over-the-counter drugs for self-treatment by patients. The most important indication area is glaucoma (green star). In 1979, Chibret introduced the first beta blocker to glaucoma therapy in Germany ( Chibro-Timoptol ), and since 1995 the topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (Dorzolamid) have been the focus of the product range (Trusopt). The market launch of the combination preparation timolol / dorzolamide (Cosopt) and the first preservative-free carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (Trusopt S and CosoptS) were also successful.


Chibret Pharma promoted international ophthalmology by financing the Médaille d'Or Paul Chibret , which is awarded annually alternately by the German Ophthalmological Society (DOG) and Société Française d'Ophtalmologie (SFO). Thea Pharma has now taken over the sponsorship.

In addition, the Chibret Award for the promotion of young scientists at the DOG was presented in the 1990s .


MSD has been withdrawing completely from the ophthalmogica market since 2010. The Chibret headquarters in Munich is closed.

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