Chiesa di Santa Maria di Gesù (Palermo)

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Santa Maria di Gesú

Chiesa Santa Maria di Gesù is a church building in Palermo on Piazza Beati Paoli.

The church in the Capo district should not be confused with the convent of Santa Maria di Gesù, the oratory of S. Maria di Gesù in Piazza S. Anna and with the Chiesa del Gesù at Casa Professa.

The church is also known as Santa Maruzza or "Canceddi" because the brotherhood responsible for the church was active in the transport sector and used large baskets (Canceddi) for it. It originated in the period before the 15th century. In 1660 it was completely renewed.

The facade is dominated by an elaborate baroque portal zone with twisted columns that end in capitals decorated with acanthus . Above the cornice stands the fully sculpted Madonna with the child in a round arched niche decorated with volutes and vases, flanked by two putti seated on volutes in a prayer position.

The rectangular window above is closed off by an idiosyncratic variant of the cranked segment gable. Two side pilasters support a cornice on which the bell house with a wave gable and two amphorae rests. Above it is a coat of arms. The loggia was created by Sebastiano Serlio .

The church is currently closed.


  • Adriana Chirco: Palermo la città ritrovata . Flaccovio, Palermo 2002, ISBN 88-7758-469-6 .
  • Cesare De Seta, Maria Antonietta Spadaro, Sergio Troisi: Palermo - Città d'arte. Guida ai monumenti di Palermo e Monreale. 3. edizione aggiornata. Palermo, Kalòs 2002, p. 176.
  • Giulia Sommariva: Palermo. Cento chiese nell'ombra. Photography by Andrea Ardizzone . Dario Flaccovio, Palermo 2007, p. 76. ISBN 978-88-7758-770-1


  1. ^ Pierfrancesco Palazzotto: Palermo. Guida agli oratori. Confraternite, compagnie e congregazioni dal XVI al XIX secolo. Presentazione di Donald Garstang. Kalós, Palermo 2004, pp. 204–207 ISBN 88-89224-07-X

Web links

Commons : Santa Maria di Gesù al Capo (Palermo)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files