Chinese Commercial News

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Chinese Commercial News

description Daily newspaper in the Philippines
publishing company Chinese Commercial News Publishing Company
First edition 1919
Frequency of publication Every day
Web link

The newspaper Chinese Commercial News (German: Chinese business news ) also 菲律賓 商報 ( ver. Chin .: 菲律宾 商报; Pinyin : Fēilǜbīn Shāngbào; POJ : Hui-li̍p-pin Siong-pò) is the oldest Chinese-language daily newspaper in the Philippines and was Founded in 1919. It is also called Commercial News or Siong Po (POJ: Siong-pò) .


The newspaper was originally published in October 1919 under the name Huachiao Commercial News (analogously: business news for Chinese overseas ) also 華僑 商報 (ver.Chin . : 华侨 商报; Pinyin : Huáqiáo Shāngbào; POJ : Hôa-kiâu Siong-pò) , a monthly newsletter for members of the Manila Chinese Chamber of Commerce , Manila's Chinese Chamber of Commerce . The editors were Dee Cheng Chuan (李清泉) and Yu Yi Tung (于 Die 同). The background was rapid economic growth within the Philippines after the First World War, which is why a possibility should be created so that business people of Chinese origin could observe the market.

Due to a change in publishing to the Chinese Commercial News Publishing Company (華僑 商報 出版 公司), the Chinese business news publishing company, under Go Ki Hoc (吳 紀 霍), the last edition of the monthly newsletter was finally published in February 1922. Shortly afterwards, the paper became a daily newspaper, which originally consisted of only two pages and a circulation of 1,000. Both foreign and domestic news were translated from English into Chinese. Finally, in 1927, the daily added illustrations and became the first Chinese-language Filipino newspaper to feature pictures. There was also a weekly magazine in 1933.

For Yu Yi Tung's refusal to publish propaganda materials for the Japanese occupation forces during World War II , he was executed and the newspaper's production stopped. However, on April 15, 1945, his siblings, Quintin Yu Tiong Seng (于 長城), Rizal Yu Tiong Keng (于 長庚), Helen Yu Un Hui (于 茵 慧), and Yu Tiong Nay (于 長 籟) re-released until it was shut down again on September 21, 1972, because of the Proclamation № 1081 , the declaration of martial law in the Philippines under Ferdinand Marcos . After the People's Revolution , it was reprinted as the only Chinese-language newspaper on June 12, 1986.

Orientation / editorial line

The orientation of the newspaper has not changed since 1922 under Yu Yi Tung. The ten main points should be:

  • The coordination of Chinese organizations and groups
  • The expansion of overseas trade
  • The expansion and cultivation of investments in mainland China
  • The dissemination of economically relevant knowledge
  • The coverage of economic news
  • To improve relationships within local communities
  • The settlement of the class differences between " wage labor and capital "
  • To serve as the governing body within the Chinese commune
  • To support the education and training of Filipino Chinese
  • Supporting political reform in mainland China

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d ( Memento of May 3, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Yuyitung Communications, May 3, 2005; Retrieved March 28, 2012