Chinese shoe museum

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The Chinese Shoe Museum ( Chinese  中国 古 鞋 博物馆 , Pinyin Zhongguo gu xie bowuguan or 中国 鞋 博物馆 , Zhongguo Xie Bowuguan , English China Shoe Museum ) is a museum founded in 1990 in Si County in the Chinese province of Anhui . It houses a collection of 2,000 pairs of shoes and over 800 pictures.


  • Luo Chongqi 骆 崇 骐: Zhongguo xie wenhua shi中国 鞋 文化史 (Cultural history of the shoe in China). Shanghai 1990 (Chinese)
  • Luo Chongqi: Zhongguo lidai xielu yanjiu yu jianshang (Study and Appreciation of Chinese Shoes in the Past Dynasties). Shanghai, 2007 (Chinese)

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