Zhoubi suanjing

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Diagram for the Pythagorean theorem ( 勾股定理 , Gōugǔ dìnglǐ  - " Gougu -theorem ")

The Zhōubì suànjīng ( Chinese  周 髀 算 經  /  周 髀 算 经 , W.-G. Chou-pi suan-ching  - "Arithmetic classic of the Zhou gnomon", short: 周 髀 , Zhōubì  - "Zhou gnomon") is one of the oldest and most famous ancient Chinese mathematical texts, the roots of which are said to go back to the Western Zhou Dynasty (11th century BC to 771 BC). It is one of the oldest books in the series of "Ten Mathematical Classics" ( Suanjing shi shu ) .


The book was published around 100 BC. First written in the time of the early Han dynasty (206 BC to 9 AD) and contains everything important from historical Chinese astronomy. It treats cosmological speculations about the size of the universe, based on observation and mathematics, and shows how a gnomon can be used to determine the positions of celestial bodies. In a depicted conversation between the Duke of Zhou (周公 旦) and his minister Shang Gao, it is explained how a gnomon can be used. The "Zhou-Gnomon" also contains calculations for the movement of celestial bodies and the so-called "hypotenuse figure" (Xian-tu) , which is based on the example of the right triangle (Gougu) on pages 3, 4 and 5, a proof of the theorem of Pythagoras ( Gougu theorem) illustrated.

Perhaps the 3rd century AD, Zhao Shuang's commentary also includes a list of 15 formulas for right triangles. Zhen Luan (6th century AD) and Li Chunfeng (602–670 AD ) wrote further comments .

Chinese editions and text review

  • photographic reproduction of a wooden plate print from the Ming period in the Sibu congkan collection (四部 丛刊)
  • (Qing) Feng Jing 冯 经: Zhoubi suanjing shu (周 髀 算 经 述) (Lingnan yishu disiji 岭南 遗书 第四集)
  • (Qing) Gu Guanguang (顾观光): Zhoubi suanjing jiaokan ji (周 髀 算 经 校勘 记) (Wuling shanren yishu 武陵 山人 遗书)
  • Qian Baozong:


See also

Individual evidence

  1. Helmuth Gericke ( Mathematik in Antike und Orient. Springer, Berlin et al. 1984, p. 178 f.), On the other hand, sees no proof in this

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