Christian Skrzyposzek

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Christian Skrzyposzek (* 1943 in Königshütte O / S ; † May 10, 1999 in Berlin ) was a German-Polish writer.


Skrzyposzek was born in Silesia to a Polish father and a German mother during World War II . His father was deported to a concentration camp during the war , from which he only returned to his family after the war. Skrzyposzek initially trained as a pianist at the request of his father. However, his passion for literature prevailed: he then studied literary studies in Warsaw and began writing critical articles for various literary magazines as well as publishing a fragment of his novel Kabotyn , which, however, was not fully published. His first play ( Pat , 1969) was also not performed. As a result of the student riots in March 1968, Skrzyposzek was banned from publishing as an opposition activist in socialist Poland in 1968, and in 1969 he left the country. After stays in Austria, Sweden and the FRG, he took up residence in West Berlin in 1971 .

In 1983 his autobiographical novel Freie Tribüne was published in German translation in Berlin . In the same year a Dutch translation was published. This satirical work, critical of the regime, was published in the Polish original ( Wolna Trybuna ) in 1986, also in Berlin (Wydawnictwo Pogląd), but not until 2003 in Poland (Warsaw). Skrzyposzek worked on this novel for twelve years from 1969. Shortly thereafter, Skrzyposzek fell ill with paralysis , which gradually increased and hindered his literary work. In 1996 his next autobiographical novel Mojra was published in Poland (Warsaw). In it he processes his experiences as a disabled person and tells of unfulfilled love. In 1999 he wrote the play Jak łza przy łzie . When his illness worsened and his physical condition worsened after multiple operations, he ended his life by suicide . In 2005, his novel Die Annonce, completed in the late 1970s, was published in Berlin.

Works in German

  • Free grandstand or the book of marginal notes on the all-Polish integration movement of the young socialist intelligentsia . Rotbuch-Verlag, Berlin 1983, ISBN 3-88022-706-3 .
  • The ad . Oberbaumverlag, Berlin / St. Petersburg 2005, ISBN 3-933314-94-1 .

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