Christiane Leiwesmeyer

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Christiane Leiwesmeyer is a German lawyer , politician ( CDU ) and political official .

Leiwesmeyer worked in the Ministry of Justice of the State of Brandenburg as a ministerial advisor in the role of head of department. During the formation of the Cabinet Woidke III Leiwesmeyer was on 20 November 2019 from Minister Susanne Hoffmann to the Secretary of State and Office Head of the Ministry of Justice called the state of Brandenburg. She thus succeeded Ronald Pienkny .

Leiwesmeyer is a member of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany . Since January 2020 she has been a board member of the CDU local branch in Michendorf .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Marion Kaufmann, Klaus Peters: CDU ministerial candidates Hoffmann and Beermann introduce themselves. In: Potsdam Latest News , November 14, 2019, accessed April 4, 2020 .
  2. ^ Future CDU ministers officially presented in Brandenburg. In: Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg , November 14, 2019, accessed on April 4, 2020 .
  3. New CDU board elected in Michendorf. In: CDU-Ortstverband Michendorf, January 18, 2020, accessed on April 4, 2020 .