Christiane Weise

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Christiane Weise , b. Christiane Zeis (born September 22, 1796 in Dessau , † July 25, 1844 in Danzig ), was a German actress and singer.


Christiane Weise was born as Christiane Zeis; she was a daughter of the actor couple Friedrich Karl Christoph Zeis and Maria Theresia Zeis, geb. Homberg, and a sister of Louise Zeis, who also became an actress. Even before she came to Danzig with her family in 1810, the young Christiane Zeis had turned to the theater; she performed under Bossan in Dessau as a child .

After the Dessau court theater was dissolved in 1810, Maria Theresia Zeis moved with her daughters to Gdansk, where Christiane made her debut in 1811 at the age of 15 as "Queen of the Night". After she married her stage colleague Friedrich Weise in 1817, she mainly took on maternal roles in operas. In addition to Danzig, Christiane Weise was also engaged in Königsberg for a long time .

Christiane and Friedrich Weise had a daughter together, Friederike Weise, who married the actor August Wolff.

Individual evidence

  1. Friedrich August Schmidt, Bernhard Friedrich Voight: New obituary of German ... . BF Voigt, 1846, p. 572 f.
  2. Zedler - Zysset . Walter de Gruyter, November 30, 2011, ISBN 978-3-11-026901-7 , p. 3724.