Christine Falk

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Christine Falk (* 1962 in Berlin ) is a German artist .


Christine Falk studied fine art / painting at the Art Academy Berlin-Weissensee with Werner Liebmann from 1992 to 1997, and from 1997 to 1998 she completed a master class year with him. Her life and work are heavily influenced by travel, which affects her work. After a scholarship from the KULTURfonds Foundation in the Künstlerhaus Lukas Ahrenshoop in 1999 and several trips to Asia, she began organizing international art and cultural exchange projects in addition to her exhibition activities in 2004. In 2006 she was “Artist in Residence” at the Tao Hong Tai Factory Ratchaburi / Thailand. A residency in 2006 at “Lijiang Studio” in the mountains of southwest China with subsequent exhibitions, together with Alfred Banze, was the trigger for the project “Another China”, which took place in 2008 at the Kunstverein Tiergarten / Galerie Nord in the presence of seven international artists (including Saskia Janssen, Luo Yongjin, Mai Yongxi, Mu Yuming, He Xiudong, Duskin Drum). A second season was presented in 2009 with the support of the Goethe Institute Asia at Meta House Phnom Penh, Cambodia. From 2009 to 2011 there were a total of 10 exhibitions with accompanying workshops and presentations on the "Banyan Project", an international and intermedia art, culture and participation project (initiator Alfred Banze) in Germany, Thailand, Cambodia, Tahiti, Cook Islands, on the Fiji Islands , in India, China and RD Congo. As part of funding from the Project Fund for Cultural Education, two workshop complexes with international artists were realized (including Sakarin Krue-on, Amrit Chusuwan, Vitshois Mwilambwe-Bondo, Guy Wouete, Andreas Dettlof, Susanne Themlitz, Laiza Pautehea, Jouhanni). In 2010 she was residency at the artist house Yomoyama So, Tone / Japan and the ARTONE exhibition, organized by Maiko Sugano. In 2011 the project "Pattern & Signs" took place in the Jamjuree Art Gallery of Chulalongkorn University Bangkok and the Kunstverein Tiergarten / Galerie Nord, Berlin, with international artists (including Varsha Nair, Jerome Ming, Joanne Richardson). From 2006 to 2011 she was a member of the art association Scotty-Enterprises e. V., room for artistic experiments, Berlin.


Christine Falk's painting forms an intersection of concrete, constructive color surface painting that is linked to realism. Traveling into the world is part of the program, interactions between impressions of the foreign and the regained familiar are desired. This "pendulum" leads to a new, quasi-sensitive research, focussed on the special colors of the respective country / cultural area visited. Abstraction and clear color surfaces create images with a meditative quality, defining the essentials. The images consciously convey calm images from everyday life, by concentrating on the essentials, as a counterpoint to the visual confusion of the media-shaped environment. The aspect of dealing with time should be promoted to a reminiscence, a deja vu in the sense of Marcel Proust, by lingering consciously on the work. In connection with residency stays and projects, installations, conceptual art and objects are also created.


  • 2011 "Pattern & Signs" Jamjuree Art Gallery Bangkok / Thailand, Galerie Nord, Berlin. “The Banyan Tree” cultural exchange and exhibition project, BHU Varanasi / India, TCG NORDICA Kunming / China, Kas Arts Studio Kinshasa, RD Congo. "Landscape / 2D" centrifuge, Nuremberg.
  • 2010 Yomoyama Artcenter, Japan. "The Banyan Tree" National Museum Cook Islands, Fiji Museum, Suva, Fiji, art gallery fürth .
  • 2009 “The Banyan Tree” National Gallery Bangkok / Thailand, Meta House Phnom Penh, gallery in Körnerpark Berlin-Neukölln, Center des Metiers d´Art & Gauguin Museum, Tahiti. Art fair "Preview" with Scotty Enterprises eV
  • 2008 “Vom Reisen”, with Alfred Banze, Kunstverein Usedom, Heringsdorf. “Another China”, Galerie Nord, Berlin. "Berliner Kunstsalon", with Scotty Enterprises eV
  • 2007 “ComingCloser” Thai-German exhibition project, The National Gallery Bangkok, atrium in the Foreign Office Berlin, City Hall Stuttgart. "To raise one question after another" Songzhuang Art Festival 2007, Beijing. “Photo project” Golden Dragon Street Gallery Zhongdian / China. Art fair "tease Cologne" with Scotty Enterprises eV
  • 2006 Berlin art salon with Scotty eV "Paintings" Golden Dragon Gallery Zhongdian / China. "Installations, Photos, Paintings" Haidong Art Center, Lijiang / China.
  • 2005 “Recurrence - Thailand Paintings” Rotunda Gallery Bangkok / Thailand, Goethe-Institut Bangkok / Thailand. “Nah und Fern” with Barbara Eitel, Burg Kniphausen Foundation, Wilhelmshaven. "Painting" Federal Environment Agency Dessau.
  • 2004 “City Space Landscape”, with Anne Ochmann, Galerie Bernau. "Silent Sensations" Kunstverein Nordenham. "Wanderlust" Red Pavilion Bad Doberan.


  • Christine Falk: "Painting" catalog 2004.
  • Art + Media Institute: "Coming Closer", Bangkok-Berlin-Stuttgart 2007
  • Christine Falk + Alfred Banze: Another China. Catalog of the exhibition at the Kunstverein Tiergarten Berlin, Berlin 2008.
  • Christine Falk + Alfred Banze: Banyan. Catalog of the traveling exhibition "The Banyan Tree - Art + Encounters", Berlin 2009.
  • Christine Falk: "Painting" catalog 2010.