Christian National People's Party

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The Christian National People's Party was a regional Palatinate party that ran in the Reichstag election on December 7, 1924 . It is assigned to the ethnic- national spectrum and was created in the context of the Evangelical Federation and the Christian Agricultural Workers' Association of the Palatinate . In the 1924 elections she entered on a list with the German National People's Party and received 23.6 percent of the vote in the Palatinate. How many of these voices came from the camp of the NSDAP , which was banned in the Palatinate at the time , is disputed in research.


  • Ernst Otto Bräunche: The Reichstag elections 1919–1930. The political parties of the Palatinate and their voters. In: Wilhelm Kreutz, Karl Scherer (ed.): The Palatinate under French occupation (1918 / 19–1930) (= contributions to the history of the Palatinate. Vol. 15). Institute for Palatinate History and Folklore, Kaiserslautern 1999, ISBN 3-927754-24-2 , pp. 77-103.