Christo Tatarchev

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Christo Tatarchev

Christo Nikolow Tatarschew (also written Hristo Nikolov Tatarchev , Bulgarian Христо Николов Татарчев ; born  December 16, 1869 in Resen , today in Macedonia ; † January 5, 1952 in Turin , Italy ) was a Bulgarian revolutionary, founder and member of the BMARK ( Bulgarian Macedonia -Adrianopel Revolutionary Committee , later renamed Inner Macedonian Revolutionary Organization ). The revolutionary Mikhail Tatarchev was his brother.

The Tatarchev Nunatak in the Antarctic has been named after him since 2013 .


  • Boris Nikolow: Вътрешна македоно-одринска революционна организация. Войводи и ръководители (1893-1934). Биографично-библиографски справочник , Sofia, 2001, p. 164.
  • Ljubomir Miletitsch : "Memories of Christo Tatarschew" (Bulgarian) in Материяли за историята на македонското освободително движение. (Bulgar.), Sofia 1928 (German for example: materials on the history of the Macedonian struggle for freedom )