Chromios from Gela

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Chromios ( ancient Greek Χρόμιος ) stood in the 5th century BC. In the service of three tyrants of Gela .

Chromios was the son of Agesidamos and a friend of the tyrant Hippocrates , for whom he was around 492 BC. At the battle of Syracuse on Heloros . After the death of Hippocrates, he joined his successor Gelon and moved with him to Syracuse when Gelon followed the Gamor's call for help and took over the rule there. In Syracuse, Chromios married Gelon's sister and, together with Aristonus, was appointed guardian for his son. Gelon's successor, Hieron , took up his services as an envoy and sent him to Rhegion to warn the tyrant Anaxilas there of the attack on Lokroi . When Aitnes was founded, Chromios was appointed Epiporos (head of the city) together with Hieron's son Deinomenes . As citizens Aitnes he accepted the Nemeen and the Pythian in car racing part and won victories there, although he was already at an advanced age, and was hailed as a rich and hospitable host.



  1. Pindar , Nemeen 9, 95 f.
  2. Herodotus 7, 154.
  3. Scholion to Pindars Nemeen 9, 95.
  4. Scholion to Pindars Pythien 2, 34; 1.98.
  5. Scholion to Pindar's Nemeen 9, 6.
  6. Pindar, Nemeen 1; 9.