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Chronodistichon at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Požega in Croatia (1831)
Elegant chronodistichon on the Maria Plain organ built in 1682

As Chronodistichon (χρόνος to Greek, "Time", δίς "double" and στίχος "series line", see: couplet = "couplet") is a small neulateinisches poem especially in the age of the Renaissance or the Baroque designated, one in the by Latin number letters marked with a special font result in a certain year.

An example is the inscription on the epitaph of Georg Scherb in Nördlingen , who died on May 2, 1565:

"S C erb IV s ha C terra C orp V s deponere fe CI t,
pars M e LI or C hr I st I regna beata tenet".

German translation:

"In this earth Scherbius had the body kept,
the better part abides in the happy kingdoms of Christ".

The highlighted number letters C (= 100) + I (= 1) + V (= 5) + C (= 100) + C (= 100) + V (= 5) + C (= 100) + I (= 1) + M (= 1,000) + L (= 50) + I (= 1) + C (= 100) + I (= 1) + I (= 1) together result in the year 1565, the year of death. Since the two-line character does not contain any other letters that could be interpreted as numerals, the visual highlighting would even be dispensable.

In its pure form, the Chronodistichon has the meter of a verse composed of a hexameter and a pentameter , as in the example given:

"Scérbius hác terrá corpús depónere fécit,
párs meliór Christí régna beáta tenét".

See also


Notes and evidence

  1. A L PHONS V S ABBAS M ONASTER II W E I NGARTENS I S D E I PARÆ VI RG I N I S HONOR I F I ER I FE CI T (= 1682; Alfons, Abbot of Weingarten Monastery, let [the] erect in honor of the virgin Theotokos ).