Clarence 13X

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Clarence 13X (born February 22, 1928 as Clarence Smith in Danville , Virginia , † 1969 ) is the founder of the Nation of Gods and Earths .

After serving in the Korean War, like his wife before, he joined the Nation of Islam . He became a member of Temple Number 7 in Harlem , New York City , where Malcolm X was a preacher . The "13X" in his name indicates that he was the 13th person named Clarence to join this temple. There he became known for his martial arts and eloquence, which resulted in his becoming a member of the Fruit of Islam , the nation's paramilitary wing , and a student preacher.

At the same time, he began to question the teaching of the Nation of Islam and its founder, Wallace Fard Muhammad . As a result, he was expelled from the Nation of Islam and changed his name to “ Allah ” in 1963 . He began to spread his own views of the teachings of the Nation of Islam on the streets of Harlem and later other cities. His way of preaching quickly won supporters among the young Afro-American population.

He was murdered in Harlem in 1969. As a result of the assassination, which has not yet been clarified, remnants of any hierarchy within the Nation of Gods and Earths disappeared, but his teaching was further spread by his early students.