Claudius Mamertinus

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Claudius Mamertinus was a Roman politician and ordinary consul in 362.


The exact dates of life of Claudius Mamertinus are not known. Ammianus Marcellinus first mentions him when he was appointed comes sacrarum largitionum by the future emperor Julian . When Julian became sole ruler in 361, he appointed Claudius Mamertinus Praetorian prefect ( praefectus praetorio ) of Illyria . His Praetorian prefecture was soon extended to Italy and Africa . The prefecture for Illyria has meanwhile been taken from him again, because in April 364 Sextus Petronius Probus is detectable there as praefectus praetorio . At the end of 364 to 365, however, it is again mentioned as praefectus praetorio Italiae, Africae et Illyrici . For the year 362 Julian appointed him consul together with Flavius ​​Nevitta . Mamertinus gave an eulogy ( panegyricus ) on New Year's Day in Constantinople on January 1st , which today is an important source for the life of Julian.

After the death of Julian's predecessor Constantius II in 361, the city of Aquileia initially resisted the new Augustus Julian, as news of the emperor's death had not yet penetrated the city and Julian was believed to be a usurper. When the news was finally accepted, Mamertinus was entrusted with the task of convicting those guilty of resisting Julian. He had both the leader of the uprising, Nigrinus, and two city councilors beheaded. A little later, the new emperor convened a court in Chalcedon to try those who had previously intrigued against him. Saturninus Secundus Salutius was entrusted with the management of the negotiations, with Mamertinus and the army masters Nevitta, Iovinus , Arbitio and Agilo .

In 365, Claudius Avitianus , the former governor of Africa, accused him of embezzling state funds. Mamertinus then had to surrender its prefecture to Vulcacius Rufinus .


  • Hans Gutzwiller : The new year speech of the consul Claudius Mamertinus before the emperor Julian. Text, translation and commentary . Basel 1942 (= Basel contributions to historical science , vol. 10).


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  1. Ammian 21:12, 20.
  2. Ammian 22: 3, 1-2. See also Klaus Rosen , Julian. Kaiser, Gott und Christenhasser , Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 2006, p. 238.
  3. Ammian 27: 7, 1-2.