Clelia Matania

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Clelia Matania (born March 28, 1918 in London , England , † October 14, 1981 in Rome , Italy ) was a British - Italian actress .


Matania grew up as the daughter of Italian immigrants in London, where she attended the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art . When her family returned to Italy, they went to Anton Giulio Bragaglia's Teatro delle Arti . Her career in Italian film began in the second half of the 1930s. By 1981 she worked on a total of 81 feature films, including numerous international productions. The most famous films include Quo vadis? and War and Peace , although she played an uncredited supporting role in each of these works. She only achieved a certain international fame in 1973 through her role as clairvoyant Wendy in Nicolas Roeg's horror film When the Gondolas Bear Mourning .

Filmography (selection)

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