Clive Riche

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Clive Riche (born December 13, 1952 in Leeds ) is a British actor and musician.


Riche, ailing in his childhood, tried out many sports, trained at the “Drama and Music School” in his hometown and began his professional career as a speaker, editor, producer and author for the BBC . Also working as a musician Riche began his career as a film actor in 1990 and has since appeared in over thirty supporting roles, mostly Italian productions. After a break he worked in the music and entertainment business from the late 1980s, often performing with the cabaret group "The Mighty Honky Calypso Band". After TV director John Guilbert cast him as the leading actor in a work on Singing Telegram Messengers, Riche gained the attention of an Italy-based producer, where he soon settled and was seen in over thirty supporting roles by 2013, including some interesting genre films. He also worked for the radio, as a spokesman for various clients and gave numerous jazz concerts.

In 2003 the jazz CD “Fregene Beach” was released by “Clive Rich & The Beach Band”.

Filmography (selection)

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Individual evidence
