Codex Freerianus

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New Testament manuscripts
Uncial 016
016 (GA) Sander's facsimile, Plate VII.jpg
Surname Freerianus
character I.
text Paul's letters , Hebrews
language Greek
date about 450
Found 1906, Egypt (acquired by Charles Lang Freer )
Storage location Smithsonian Institution
size 25 × 20 cm
Type Alexandrian text type
category II

Codex Freerianus ( Gregory-Aland no. I or 016 ; von Soden α 1041) is a Greek manuscript of the Pauline letters , which is dated to the 5th century. Parts of the codex are missing ( Romans ). The manuscript has not been completely preserved. It was named after Charles Lang Freer (1854-1919), who bought the manuscript in Egypt.


The Codex Freerianus consists of 84 written parchment sheets (25 × 20 cm). The Codex is held in the Smithsonian Institution (Freer Gallery of Art, 06.275) in Washington .

The Greek text of the Codex Freerianus represents the Alexandrian text type . The text of the Codex is assigned to Category II .

The handwriting was examined by HA Sanders.

See also


  • CR Gregory , The Freer Logion, Trials and Drafts 1 (Leipzig, 1905).
  • HA Sanders, The New Testament Manuscripts in the Freer Collection , The Macmillan Company, New York - London 1918.
  • Thomas A. Wayment, Two new Textual Variants from the Freer Pauline Codex (I) , JBL 123/4 (2004), pp. 737-740.
  • LW Hurtado, The Freer Biblical Manuscripts. Fresh Studies of an American Treasure Trove , Brill 2007.

Individual evidence

  1. Bruce Metzger The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration . Oxford University Press , 2005, p. 77.
  2. a b Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland : The text of the New Testament. Introduction to the scientific editions as well as the theory and practice of modern textual criticism . German Bible Society , Stuttgart 1989, ISBN 3-438-06011-6 , p. 119.
  3. ^ HA Sanders, The New Testament Manuscripts in the Freer Collection , The Macmillan Company, New York - London 1918.