Coenraad Rijkel

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Coenraad Rijkel (* 1664 in Amsterdam ; † 1726 ) was a Dutch woodwind instrument maker .

Heinrich Rukoll came from London as a tailor shortly before or in 1664 to Amsterdam, his son Coenraad Rijkel spent some time of his youth in England, but at the age of 15 he began a seven-year apprenticeship as a flute and woodwind instrument maker with Richard Haka , his mother's brother. In addition, he often found time to work as a bassoonist in theater performances. His entry into self-employment did not go smoothly: Haka moved his workshop in Amsterdam from Spui to Singel, Rijkel stayed at the old location and continued to use his trainer's name symbols until Haka put an end to this. In 1700 Rijkel was able to purchase a house on the Spui, the seat of his business until his death. He has received three recorders and two oboes , and he also built a bassoons like the one in the Stedelijk Museum Zwolle . A Rijkel's advertising slip documents the addition of an As flap in addition to the three flaps that were already common at the time.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rob van Acht, Jan Bouterse, Piet Dhont: Dutch double reed instruments of the 18th century. Haags Gemeentemuseum Collection , Laaber 1997, p. 22
  2. Rob van Acht: Dutch wind instruments, 1670–1820 , TIBIA · Magazine for woodwinds, 15th year · Issue 3/1990, p. 181
  3. Jan Bouterse: De Fagot van het Patriottisch Exercitiegenootschap in Vollenhove , De Fagot. Kwartaaltijdschrift voor Fagottisten, number 4/5, April 2011, p. 36 f.
  4. Sebastian Werr: History of the bassoon , Wißner Verlag, Augsburg 2011, p. 20