Cohors II Aurelia Dacorum

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The Cohors II Aurelia Dacorum [pia fidelis] [milliaria] [equitata] [Antoniniana] ( German  2nd cohort the Aurelian of the Dacians [loyal and loyal] [1000 men] [partly mounted] [the Antoninian] ) was a Roman auxiliary unit . It is evidenced by military diplomas , inscriptions and brick stamps. In a military diploma, she is referred to as Cohors III Aurelia Dacorum .

Name components

  • Dacorum : the Dacian . The soldiers of the cohort were recruited from the Dacian people when the unit was established.
  • pia fidelis : loyal and loyal. The addition appears in an inscription.
  • milliaria : 1000 men. Depending on whether it was an infantry cohort ( Cohors milliaria peditata ) or a mixed association of infantry and cavalry ( Cohors milliaria equitata ), the nominal strength of the unit was either 800 or 1040 men. The addition appears in an inscription.
  • equitata : partially mounted. The unit was a mixed association of infantry and cavalry. The addition appears in an inscription.
  • Antoniniana : the Antoninian. An honorific designation that refers to Caracalla (211-217) or Elagabal (218-222). The addition occurs on bricks.

The unit was a Cohors milliaria equitata . The nominal strength of the unit was therefore 1040 men, consisting of 10 Centurien infantry with 80 men each and 8 tower cavalry with 30 riders each.


The cohort was stationed in the province of Pannonia inferior . It is listed on military diplomas for AD 193.

The unit was set up by Marcus Aurelius (161-180), presumably in connection with the Marcomannic Wars. The first evidence of unity in Pannonia inferior is based on diplomas dated to 193. In the diplomas, the cohort is listed as part of the troops (see Roman Forces in Pannonia ) that were stationed in the province.

The last evidence of unity is based on bricks dated to 211/222.


Locations of the cohort in the province of Pannonia inferior were possibly:

Members of the cohort

The following members of the cohort are known:

See also


  1. Paul Holder rejects the proposal to identify the Cohors III Aurelia Dacorum listed in the diploma ( RMD 5, 446 ) with the Cohors III Dacorum . Instead, he assumes that it is a typographical error and that the Cohors II Aurelia Dacorum listed in the diploma ( RMD 5, 447 ) is meant.

Individual evidence

  1. Military diploma ( RMD 5, 446 )
  2. a b c d inscription ( CIL 03, 6450 )
  3. a b Brick with Antoniniana ( RHP 00294a , RHP 00294b ).
  4. Paul Holder : Roman Military Diplomas V (= Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 88), Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, London 2006, pp. 872-874, no. 446, note. 6th
  5. Military diplomas of 193 ( RMD 5, 446 , RMD 5, 447 ).
  6. ^ Ovidiu Țentea: On the defense of auraria Daciae , In: Near and beyond the Roman frontier. Proceedings of a colloquim held at Târgovişte in October 2008, Bucharest, 2009, pp. 371-381, here p. 374 ( online ).
  7. ^ Bricks from Cornacum : stamp COH II AUR D ( Ilkic-01, 00001 , Ilkic-01, 00002 ) and C II AUR D ANT ( RHP 00294a , RHP 00294b ).