Cohors II Syrorum Sagittariorum

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The Cohors II Syrorum Sagittariorum (or Sagittaria ) [milliaria] [equitata] [civium Romanorum] ( German  2nd cohort of Syrians of archers [1000 men] [partially mounted] [of the Roman citizens] ) was a Roman auxiliary unit . It is evidenced by military diplomas , an inscription and brick stamps. In some diplomas from 88 to 114/117 it is referred to as Cohors II milliaria Sagittariorum .

Name components

  • II : The Roman number stands for the ordinal number, the second ( Latin secunda ). Hence the name of this military unit is pronounced as Cohors secunda ...
  • Syrorum : the Syrian. The soldiers of the cohort were recruited on the territory of the Roman province of Syria when the unit was established .
  • Sagittariorum or Sagittaria : the archer.
  • milliaria : 1000 men. Depending on whether it was an infantry cohort ( Cohors milliaria peditata ) or a mixed association of infantry and cavalry ( Cohors milliaria equitata ), the nominal strength of the unit was either 800 or 1040 men. The addition occurs in military diplomas from 88 to 153. In the diplomas z. T. used the symbol instead of milliaria .
  • equitata : partially mounted. The unit was a mixed association of infantry and cavalry.
  • civium Romanorum : the Roman citizen. The soldiers of the unit had been granted Roman citizenship at one point in time. However, this did not apply to soldiers who were accepted into the unit after this point in time. They received Roman citizenship only with their honorable farewell ( Honesta missio ) after 25 years of service. The addition appears in the military diploma of 109.

The unit was a Cohors milliaria equitata . The nominal strength of the unit was 1040 men, consisting of 10 Centurien infantry with 80 men each and 8 tower cavalry with 30 riders each.


The cohort was stationed in the province of Mauretania Tingitana . It is listed on military diplomas for the years 88 to 156/157 AD.

The first evidence of unity in Mauretania Tingitana is based on a diploma dated 88. In the diploma, the cohort is listed as part of the troops (see Roman forces in Mauretania ) that were stationed in the province. Further diplomas, dated 104 to 156/157, prove unity in the same province.


Locations of the cohort in the province of Mauretania Tingitana were possibly:

  • Sala ( Chellah ): an inscription was found here.
  • Thamusida : Bricks marked C were found here.

Members of the cohort

The following members of the cohort are known.



  • Domitius, a rider: the diploma of 88 was issued for him.

See also


  • John Spaul : Cohors² The evidence for and a short history of the auxiliary infantry units of the Imperial Roman Army , British Archaeological Reports 2000, BAR International Series (Book 841), ISBN 978-1-84171-046-4

Individual evidence

  1. Military diplomas of the years 88 ( CIL 16, 159 ), 104 ( ZPE-146-255 ), 109 ( RMD 2, 84 ), 114/117 ( CIL 16, 165 ), 122 ( CIL 16, 169 , CIL 16, 170 ), 131 ( RMD 3, 157 ), 135 ( RMD 5, 382 ), 153 ( RMD 5, 409 , RMD 5, 410 , RMM 34 , ZPE-153-202 , ZPE-162-244 ) and 156/157 ( CIL 16, 181 , CIL 16, 182 ).
  2. ^ A b John Spaul , Cohors², pp. 401-402, 419-420
  3. ^ Jörg Scheuerbrandt : Exercitus. Tasks, organization and command structure of Roman armies during the imperial era. Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau 2003/2004, p. 176 Table 18 ( PDF ).
  4. Inscription from Sala AE 1989, 913
  5. ^ Bricks from Thamusida AE 1963, 59 .