Alpine Association Vorarlberg

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Alpenverein Vorarlberg -
branch of the Austrian Alpine Association
Logo of the Austrian Alpine Club
legal form Association
( ZVR : 934754069)
founding December 1, 1869 in Feldkirch
Seat Bludenz
Chair Andreas Schmidt
Members 27,383 (as of December 31, 2019)

The Alpine Club Vorarlberg is a section of the Austrian Alpine Club . It was founded on December 1st, 1869 in Feldkirch and is currently one of the largest sports clubs in Austria .


Bregenz Forest Mountains

Lechquellen Mountains


Known members


  • Hansjörg Klotz: Report on the 150th anniversary of the Alpine Club Vorarlberg 2019. In: montafon MUSEUMS. Annual report 2019. Montafon museums, Montafon heritage protection association , Montafon archive. Pp. 59-65.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Membership statistics of the Alpine Club 2019, in numbers. (PDF) Alpine Association Austria, accessed on March 9, 2020 .
  2. The Alpenverein Vorarlberg can look back on an eventful history in its 150 years of existence. Foundation of the Vorarlberg Alpine Club Section. Alpenverein Vorarlberg, accessed on March 9, 2020 .