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Classification according to ICD-10
F40.2 Specific (isolated) phobias
Animal phobias
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

Coitophobia (from Latin coitus 'coitus' and ancient Greek φόβος phóbos , German 'fear' ; also coitophobia ) describes the pathological fear of intercourse and other sexual acts, cf. Sexual anxiety . It is one of the specific anxiety disorders . Affected people therefore try to avoid sexual intercourse or physical approach and feel harassed just thinking about them or talking about them. Causes can be, for example, fear of injury, sexually transmitted diseases , body fluids or abuse, or negative experiences and perceptions. Triggers for this can be, for example, pressure to perform, postponing the first time, feared intolerance and contempt, religious or ideological convictions that prohibit sex entirely or only allow it under certain conditions. Coitophobics often suffer from physical tension, depression , sweating , panic attacks and a panic fear of physical proximity. Special forms are the fear of nudity ( gymnophobia ), of kissing (philemaphobia), of virgins (parthenophobia), of wet dreams ( oneirogmophobia ), of female genitalia (eurotophobia), of male sexual organs (phallophobia), of the first sexual act (esodophobia) ), body odors (osphresiophobia) and the fear of sperm (spermophobia). As therapy, among other things, sensuality training , behavioral therapies and conversational therapies can be considered.


  • A. Auvard: Practical Textbook of Gynecology , 2013

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Diploma psychologist Christian Hilscher: Coitophobia - Retrieved October 28, 2017 .
  2. Psychologist Christian Hilscher: Koitophobie - Retrieved October 28, 2017 .
  3. a b Coitophobia Fear of Sex - Symptoms & Treatments | Phobia knowledge. Retrieved October 28, 2017 (German).
  4. Maria Poursaiadi: Curious Phobias - Part 2: The fear of sex . ( [accessed on October 28, 2017]).
  5. ^ NEON, Munich, Germany: - Products - »Coitophobia« is the fear of sexual intercourse . In: . ( [accessed on October 28, 2017]).