Collar (mycology)

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Hat mushroom with collar in longitudinal section
The collar swindler with lamellas attached to the ring-shaped collar

Collar or Kollar ( collar , of medium latin collaris = scarf ) referred to in the Mycology a Cap flesh lying in a fungus annular collar which separates the slats from the stalk.

In the case of leaf mushrooms , collar is understood to be a ring-shaped structure at the attachment point of the lamella, which separates the lamella from the stem. The lamellae are fused together shortly before the stem in such a way that the stem is enclosed by a "collar" at the level of the lamellae, but it does not touch the stem.

Detached, ring-shaped structures at the base of the stalked endoperidia of earth stars are also sometimes referred to as collar. Such a structure occurs, for example, in the ruff earth star ( Geastrum triplex ) and in the collar earth star ( Geastrum striatum ).


  • Ewald Gerhardt: mushroom guide. 245 important edible and poison mushrooms illustrated and described in 267 color photos (= BLV determination book. Vol. 31). BLV-Verlags-Gesellschaft, Munich et al. 1981, ISBN 3-405-12484-0 .
  • Heinrich Dörfelt , Gottfried Jetschke (Ed.): Dictionary of mycology. 2nd Edition. Spectrum, Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg et al. 2001, ISBN 3-8274-0920-9 .
  • Rita Lüder: Basic course mushroom determination. A practical guide for beginners and advanced users. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2007, ISBN 978-3-494-01341-1 .