Combahee River Collective

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The Combahee River Collective was an American group that helped shape the discourse on multiple oppression from the standpoint of black lesbian feminists . It was founded in Boston in 1974 .

Founder was Barbara Smith , who also gave the name. The group was named after the Combahee River , on which 750 black slaves were freed in 1863 under the leadership of Harriet Tubman .

The group advocated the strategy of strategic essentialism , which allowed them to pursue multiple identity politics. They called for a discussion of racism in the US feminist movement .

The Combahee River Collective coined the term identity politics . According to the collective's manifesto of April 1977, identity politics is the best means of combating “racial, sexual, heterosexual and class oppression” and their multiple overlaps


  • Combahee River Collective (1982): A Black Feminist Statement. In: Hull, Gloria T .; Scott, Patricia Bell; Smith, Barbara (eds): But Some of Us Are Brave. Black Women's Studies. Old Westbury, 13-22.

Individual evidence

  1. Lea Susemichel and Jens Kastner: Left identity politics. Particular interests versus social responsibility? , Deutschlandfunk , February 10, 2019.
  2. ^ Jürgen Martschukat : Hegemonic identity politics as a "decisive form of politics" in the USA. A story of the present . In: From Politics and Contemporary History 38–39 / 2018, Federal Agency for Civic Education .