Munich comic festival

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The 2017 comic festival in the old congress hall

The Munich Comic Festival is a German comic festival that has been  taking place every two years since 2007 - alternating with the Erlangen Comic Salon . It is funded by the cultural department of the state capital Munich . The next comic festival will take place from June 3rd to 6th in 2021.


In the years 1990 to 2005, this was preceded by the Munich Comic Festival of the association of the same name, the 1996, 2001, and 2004 international comic congresses , as well as other smaller comic events organized by the umbrella organization Comicstadt München e. V. and des Cultur without further notice e. V.

The Munich Comic Festival was created as a new and independent event through the complementary partnership of the Munich Comic Festival and Munich Comic City Association. V. and continues a tradition that began in 1985 with the 1st Munich Comic Days . The Comicfest München association dissolved with the 2011 annual financial statements. Its members are now at Comicstadt München e. V. active.

After the Old Town Hall in 2007 and 2009, the Künstlerhaus on Lenbachplatz was the central event location in 2011 . In 2013 the comic festival took place in the Old Town Hall and in the Künstlerhaus as well as numerous other locations in the Munich city center. The Alte Kongresshalle has been the main venue since 2015 . Heiner Lünstedt has directed the Munich Comic Festival since 2011, initially together with Michael Kompa, in 2015 with Wolfgang J. Fuchs and from 2017 with Rainer Schneider.


Fixed parts of the festival program include a publishing fair , book signing sessions with national and international comic artists , exhibitions , drawing courses , panel discussions and a comics market . The ICOM Independent Comic Preis and PENG! - The Munich Comic Prize is awarded at the Munich Comic Festival.

Web links

Commons : Comicfestival München  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files