Common Public Attribution License

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The Common Public Attribution License ( CPAL ) is an open source license approved as such by the Open Source Initiative in 2007 . This license is intended to provide general licensing for distribution over the Internet. It is largely based on the Mozilla Public License , but adds some controversial passages:

“[…] The Original Developer may include […] a requirement that each time an Executable and Source Code or a Larger Work is launched or initially run […] a prominent display of the Original Developer's Attribution Information […] must occur on the graphic user interface employed by the end user to access such Covered Code […] ”

"[...] The original developers [...] can add a condition that each time a compiled program and source code or major work is started or executed for the first time, [...] there is a clear indication of the attribution of the original developer [...] the graphical user interface that the end user needs to access such code [...] "

The Debian project declared the license to be incompatible with its Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) because of this condition.


Since this license is not GPL- compatible due to these modifications , there are currently relatively few software products published under this license. In 2012, 109 projects under the CPAL were published on SourceForge , the best known of which are OpenProj and the Fork ProjectLibre . Facebook also published part of its source code under this license. Reddit is available under the CPAL on GitHub , with the exception of anti-spam measures.

Individual evidence

  1. Jonathan Corbet: Open-source badgeware ( en ) Retrieved January 6, 2008.
  3. CPAL software on Sourceforge ( en ) Retrieved August 29, 2012.
  4. Home. In: GitHub, reddit / reddit Wiki. Retrieved March 9, 2017 .

Web links