Consiglio delle autonomie locali

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Sardinien Autonome Region Sizilien Kalabrien Kampanien Basilikata Molise Apulien Abruzzen Latium Marken Umbrien Toskana Ligurien Aostatal Piemont Lombardei Venetien Emilia-Romagna Trentino-Südtirol Friaul-Julisch Venetien San Marino Vatikanstadt Algerien Tunesien Malta Montenegro Bosnien und Herzegowina Kroatien Slowenien Ungarn Schweiz Österreich Schweiz Monaco Frankreich Frankreich Frankreich
Italian regions

Consiglio delle autonomie locali (CAL) , German "Council of Local Autonomies " or "Council of Local Authorities", is the name of an advisory body that exists in the Italian regions alongside the regional council ( Consiglio regional ) . While the regional council is a directly elected regional representative body with legislative power, the CAL is a not directly elected body that represents the interests of metropolitan cities , provinces , municipalities and municipal associations at the regional level .


Since a constitutional reform in 2001, the CALs have been envisaged in Article 123 (4) of the Italian Constitution as organs for consultation between the region and subordinate regional authorities or local associations. Since the constitution is limited to this brief definition, it is not officially a second chamber of parliament alongside the regional council. However, due to some competencies that the regions have assigned to their CAL, the CAL de facto have this function to a certain extent .

In the case of draft laws and other draft legal acts by the regional government or the regional council that directly affect municipalities and municipal associations, an opinion must normally be obtained from the CAL; in other cases, the regional government or regional council can request such a statement, or the CAL can submit it unsolicited. In some regions, objections by the CAL can only be overridden by an absolute majority of the regional council members. As a rule, the CAL have the right to initiate legislation , as far as concerns of the municipalities and municipal associations are concerned.


Normally, a CAL has metropolitan mayors and provincial presidents as members, often also the chairmen of the representative bodies of these regional authorities. Other mayors and other representatives of municipalities and municipal associations are elected by the relevant assemblies. Other local politicians or representatives of other organizations can be CAL members, but often only have one right to speak and no right to vote . The term of office of the CAL is linked to the legislative period of the regional councils. The CAL are usually located at the relevant regional council.

Trentino-South Tyrol

Since the competencies of the Trentino-South Tyrol region from 1972 onwards were largely transferred to the two autonomous provinces of Trentino and South Tyrol , similar advisory bodies exist in this case at the provincial level. In South Tyrol, the council of municipalities , which consists of 17 mayors, is an organ of the South Tyrolean association of municipalities. The council examines draft laws and ordinances that are of interest to the municipalities before they are passed by the state parliament or the state government .

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