Consumed - Now it is cleared out

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Television series
German title Consumed - Now it is cleared out
Original title Consumed
Country of production Canada
original language English
Year (s) 2011-2013
Paperny Entertainment
length 60 minutes
Episodes 22 in 2 seasons
genre Reality TV
idea Aynsley Vogel
production David Paperny,
Cal Shumiatcher,
Audrey Mehler
music John Sereda,
Paul Michael Thomas
First broadcast August 30, 2011 (USA) on HGTV

Jill Pollack

Consumed - now cleaned out (original title: Consumed ) is one of Paperny Entertainment produced Canadian reality television telecast, between 2011 and 2013 HGTV aired. The protagonist is the manure expert Jill Pollack , who asks families whose property is getting out of hand to survive for 30 days with only the bare essentials. After the 30 days have expired, the families have to decide which belongings they really need and which they should donate. After three months, the families are visited again to show how well they can keep their order. The first episode of the first season aired on August 30, 2011, the second season from June 8, 2013. The series was mainly filmed in the Metro Vancouver area.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Consumed. IMDb, accessed March 27, 2019 (American English).
  2. Consumed (TV Series 2011-2013). IMDb, accessed March 27, 2019 (American English).