Copa Círculo de la Prensa

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The Copa Círculo de la Prensa , also Trofeo Circular , was a football competition between the national teams of Argentina and Uruguay in 1916 and 1919 .

When it was first held in 1916, there was a return leg. Argentina initially defeated Uruguay in the industrial suburb of Avellaneda in Bonaren in the Racing Club stadium 7-2, with Marius Hiller from Pforzheim , who had previously played in the German national team, contributing three goals. In the Parque Central of Montevideo there was a 3-1 victory for the hosts on October 29, 1916, making Argentina the winner of the cup. It should be noted that on the same day as the first match another game between the two countries was held, albeit with different players. Argentina won 1-0 on Montevideo.

In 1919 there was only one game, on December 7, 1919 in Montevideo where Uruguay defeated Argentina 4-2 and this time secured the trophy for themselves.

Among the stars of the encounters were among others

Individual evidence