Coptocephala unifasciata

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Coptocephala unifasciata
2018 07 15 Coptocephala unifasciata.jpg

Coptocephala unifasciata

Family : Leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae)
Subfamily : Fall Beetle (Cryptocephalinae)
Tribe : Clytrini
Genre : Coptocephala
Subgenus : Coptocephala
Type : Coptocephala unifasciata
Scientific name
Coptocephala unifasciata
( Scopoli , 1763)

Coptocephala unifasciata is a leaf beetle from the subfamily of the fall beetles (Cryptocephalinae). He also bears the German name "Bindiger Langbeinkäfer". The genus is represented by 4 species in Central Europe.


The beetles reach a length of 4–7 mm. The pronotum ( pronotum ) of the thorax is red. The head is black with a red upper lip . The wings are red-yellow and have two black cross bars, which are usually interrupted at the seam and do not reach the side edge. The antennae are red-yellow at the base, otherwise black. The base of the femora is black, otherwise the legs are red-yellow.


The species occurs in large parts of Europe. However, it is absent in the Netherlands , the British Isles and Fennoscandinavia . To the east it occurs across Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Western Siberia to Mongolia.

Way of life

The adult beetles fly from April to October. Host plants of the larvae are various umbellifers (Apiaceae) such as wild carrot ( Daucus carota ), parsnip ( Pastinaca sativa ), mountain hairline ( Peucedanum oreoselinum ), Echinophora spinosa or representatives of the genus Ferulago . The adult beetles can also be found on the flowers of the host and forage plants.


At times, five subspecies were distinguished:

  • Coptocephala unifasciata australis Medvedev , 1965. Head partly colored red, puncture of the elytra relatively dense. Central Asia.
  • Coptocephala unifasciata deserta Medvedev , 1965. Head colored completely red. Described from Transcaspia .
  • Coptocephala unifasciata destinoi Fairmaire , 1884. Dorsal margin of the mandibles in the male deeply cut out. Only red labrum on head. Aedeagus different from unifasciata . Mediterranean area, Asia Minor, Syria, Iran, Iraq.
  • Coptocephala unifasciata postmaculata Lopatin , 1980. Head colored completely red. Iran.
  • Coptocephala unifasciata unifasciata ( Scopoli , 1763). Dorsal margin of the mandibles in the male deeply cut out. Only red labrum on head. Europe to Central Asia and Mongolia.

Many taxonomists now regard destinoi and postmaculata as a separate species, no longer as subspecies. The subspecies deserta is probably only a coloring variant of australis and is no longer recognized in more recent works.

The following synonyms can be found in the literature :

  • Buprestis unifasciata Scopoli , 1763 - original name combination
  • Coptocephala intermedia Reineck , 1908
  • Coptocephala femoralis sexton , 1845.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Jiři Zahradnik, Irmgard Jung, Dieter Jung et al .: Käfer Central and North-West Europe, Parey Berlin 1985, ISBN 3-490-27118-1 , page 281.
  2. a b c Harde, Severa: Der Kosmos Käferführer, The Central European Beetles, Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-440-06959-1 , page 288.
  3. a b c d e KH Mohr: 88. Family Chrysomelidae. in Heinz Freude, Karl Wilhelm Harde, Gustav Adolf Lohse (editor): The beetles of Central Europe. Volume 9. Cerambycidae Chrysomelidae. Goecke & Evers Verlag, Krefeld 1966, page 121.
  4. Coptocephala (Coptocephala) unifasciata in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved July 16, 2018
  5. EV Guskova (2016): The Cryptocephalinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of the Mongolian Altai. Biological Bulletin of Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 6 (3): 61-72.
  6. a b Coptocephala unifasciata . Retrieved July 16, 2018.
  7. a b c Andzej Warchałowski (2010): The palaearctic Chrysomelidae. identification keys, vol. 1. Warszawska Drukarnia Naukowa, Warszawa 2010. ISBN 978-83-918040-9-4 . on pages 66 to 69.
  8. Ivan Löbl, Ales Smetana: Chrysomeloidea. Catalog of Palaearctic Coleoptera, vol. 6. Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2010. ISBN 978-87-88757-84-2 . on page 78.
  9. a b Ivan Löbl, Ales Smetana: Chrysomeloidea. Catalog of Palaearctic Coleoptera, vol. 6. Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2010. ISBN 978-87-88757-84-2 . on page 569.

Web links

Commons : Coptocephala unifasciata  - collection of images, videos and audio files