Cordillera Oriental (Peru)

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Cordillera Oriental
Andean chains of Peru

Andean chains of Peru

Highest peak Ausangate ( 6384  m )
location Peru
part of To the
Coordinates 10 °  S , 75 °  W Coordinates: 10 °  S , 75 °  W
surface 263,000 km²

The Cordillera Oriental ( German  "eastern mountain range" ) is a chain of mountain arches in the eastern Andes of Peru .


The Cordillera Oriental of Peru stretches almost the entire length of the country over 1,330 kilometers in a north-south direction, from the border with Ecuador in the north to the Cordillera Apolobamba in Bolivia in the south.

The highest peaks of this extensive mountain arc are mainly in the southern part, where the fourth highest peak in Peru can be found with the Ausangate .


From north to south, the Peruvian Cordillera Oriental is divided into the following sections (the highest peak in each case in brackets):

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