Correios da Guiné-Bissau

Correios da Guiné Bissau (CGB) is the state postal company of Guinea-Bissau . The company was founded in 1973/74 after the independence of Guinea-Bissau as the successor to the Portuguese (colonial) CTT .
The Correios da Guiné-Bissau employed around 200 people in a few branches in the country. The post office is headquartered in the capital Bissau in the centrally located main post office . As in other African countries, there is no home delivery, customers have to rent their own post office boxes. In 2015 there were a good 1,500 mailboxes in the country, of which only around 75 percent were used. In 2015, the company planned to offer its own financial services in addition to postal services. A separate Postbank should be set up for this.
Like other state-owned companies in the country, it suffers from a chronic lack of money. In March 2017, the 200 employees went on strike because they had not received a salary for more than seven years. The employees went on strike back in 2013, when no salaries had been paid for four years. Furthermore, the post is heavily dependent on the Portuguese airline TAP , as international mail is only transported with this airline. During the suspension of TAP flights in 2013/14, the country was temporarily cut off from the world by post, letters and mailings were only occasionally sent by Air Sénégal and Royal Air Maroc .
The company has been a member of the Universal Postal Union since May 30, 1974 , as well as a member of the Associação internacional das communicações de expressão portuguesa (AICEP).
Individual evidence
- ↑ a b Correios da Guiné Bissau pretendem criar Banco Postal de Poupanças. AICEP, June 2015, accessed February 7, 2018 (Portuguese).
- ↑ Funcionários dos Correios em Bissau sem salários há 7 anos . In: RFI . March 5, 2017 ( [accessed February 7, 2018]).
- ↑ Braime Darama: Salários em atraso geram greve nos correios da Guiné-Bissau. In: Deutsche Welle, September 27, 2013, accessed February 7, 2018 (Portuguese).
- ↑ Guiné-Bissau sem correios para o resto do mundo desde o fim dos voos da TAP - . In: . January 17, 2014 ( [accessed February 7, 2018]).
- ^ Correios da Guiné-Bissau “voltam a funcionar a 100%” com reinício dos voos da TAP. In: October 9, 2014, accessed February 7, 2018 (Portuguese).
- ↑ Info Team SA - UPU: Universal Postal Union - Guinea-Bissau. Retrieved February 7, 2018 (American English).
- ↑ AICEP: Membros , accessed on May 3, 2016.